What is Crime Stoppers?
Our programs and initiatives are focused on creating solutions that address acute issues of lawlessness, as well as systemic issues that allow crime to fester in our community. Many of our programs extend beyond the Atlanta City limits. Crime Stoppers is an anonymous tip line where individuals from anywhere can submit crucial information pertaining to crimes reported or unreported in their community or outside their community. This allows citizens to play a direct role in reducing crime by submitting anonymous tips to police authorities and providing additional support to criminal investigations. If the tip leads to an arrest, the tipster may be eligible for up to a $2,000 reward.
Any information received through anonymous Crime Stoppers tips via our secure tip line is reviewed and shared with investigators when beneficial. Each caller is assigned a code number for the purpose of ensuring anonymity. The CSGA Tip Line allows citizens to play a direct role in reducing crime by submitting anonymous tips to police authorities. NO REPORTS, NO COURT, NO NAMES.
Crime Stoppers of Greater Atlanta (CSGA) is in its 16th year of operation. It has grown from its original footprint in the City of Atlanta to more than 100 jurisdictions throughout the state, underscoring the consistent and essential level of cooperation among our region’s law enforcement agencies.
The community has helped law enforcement clear over 2,000 cases and bring over $1.4 million of drugs off the streets. If your agency, school, or organization is interested in how they can help law enforcement use this tool, reach out to the Atlanta Police Foundation.
Citizens who wish to submit an anonymous tip can call the CSGA tipline at 404-577-8477, visit www.stopcrimeatl.org., use the P3 app, or text CSGA to 738477.